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扬帆新起点 Sailing to a New Starting Point

  • 发布日期:2023/5/9 14:05:04
  • 新闻类别: 新闻资讯
  • 查看:1869


      您好!承蒙您长期以来对本公司的大力支持与配合,本公司全体员工表示由衷的感激!因业务发展需要和公司规模的扩大,自 2023年 02月18日起,公司搬迁至新的地址(具体联系方式附后),因公司搬迁期间给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意!我司将以此次搬迁为一个新的起点,进一步为您供给更优质的产品和服务,与您共同发展,并再次感激您长期以来给予本公司的支持与合作!


新地址:浙江省温州市瓯海区潘桥街道桐汇路1号(第2幢第1层南首、第2 层、第3 层)

手机:13706625282 (杨俊)

电话: +86 577 86355266

传真: 0577-85622669



Dear customer

 Thank you for your long-term strong support and cooperation with our company. All employees of our company express sincere gratitude! Due to the needs of business development and the expansion of the company's scale, starting from February 18, 2023, the company will be relocated to a new address (specific contact information attached). We apologize for any inconvenience caused during the relocation period! Our company will take this relocation as a new starting point, further providing you with higher quality products and services, and developing together with you. We are once again grateful for your long-term support and cooperation with our company!


New Address: No.1  Tonghui Road  Panqiao Street  Ouhai District  Wenzhou (2nd Floor ,No. 2 Building  )

Mobile: 13706625282(YangJun)

Tel:+86 577 86355266

Fax: 0577-85622669

Wen Zhou Xipu Plastic